Legal News

A double trailer truck on the road

Operation Brock: New Permit System to Streamline Freight Traffic to the Port of Dover

Starting on July 10, 2024, a new permit system under Operation Brock will be implemented on the M20 motorway to manage freight traffic heading to the Port of Dover. This
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Police interview

What Goes on in a Police Interview

Finding yourself in a police interview room can be an intimidating experience, with a whirlwind of thoughts and uncertainties racing through your mind. From the moment you step into that
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Arrested and interviewed by police

Understanding Your Rights When Arrested and Interviewed by Police

If the police have arrested you or someone you know, it can be a bewildering and distressing experience. Knowing your rights in such a situation is crucial for ensuring fair
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Voluntary interview

Understanding Voluntary Police Interviews

Receiving a call from the police for a voluntary interview under caution can be unsettling. The term “voluntary” might suggest a casual meeting, but this type of interview is a
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Alcohol and Tobacco

Smuggling Tobacco and Alcohol in the UK

Smuggling, the dodgy business of sneaking goods in and out of the country without paying the proper taxes, is a huge problem in the UK. One of the main things
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Serious Sexual Offences

Serious Sexual Offences: Understanding New Sentencing Reforms

The government has introduced new measures to ensure that those convicted of serious sexual offences, such as rape, serve the entirety of their custodial sentences in prison. This decision aims
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